Safety Jackpot works for us and is an integral part of our Safety Program. I recommend it as part of a comprehensive Safety Program. Our operation has gone over 7 years without a Lost Time Accident.
Imerys Minerals,
Coborn's Bake Shoppe has had wonderful success with the Safety Jackpot program. We have been actively participating in the program for seven years. During that time we have reduced our accidents that require medical attention by 40%. We have not had an accident that required medical attention in 220 days!
Coborn's Bake Shoppe,
When you have excellent customer service, the utmost ease in administration and such an overwhelmingly level of commitment from your workforce, you cannot go wrong with Safety Jackpot.
Southwest Steel,
Since starting the program in January of 2008, our incident rate has gone from 6.74 to 2.22. We’ve reduced our number of reportable incidents from 21 in 2008 to 2 Year-To-Date.
MGP Processing,